
Monday 14 December 2020

SLJ 2020-2021 Kick Start Art

 Kumusta readers, 

Today I am posting the first task that is on the SLJ site. The SLJ or Summer Learning Journey, is when the Urumanuka cluster competes on whoever can get the most blog posts done during the summer. There are different tasks to do like art engineering and more. People compete for different prizes like electronic devices, toys or even gift vouchers for different shops or malls. Two years ago someone in our school won a whole chrome book pack that included a chrome book and a chrome book case. You could also get prizes if you come in the top 5 or 3.

Anyways here is my Art.

Are you going to be doing the Summer Learning Journey?
Thank you for reading my blog post, I hope you enjoyed and have an awesome day!! Good luck on the Summer Learning Journey.        :D

Monday 7 December 2020

Multiplication and Division slide

 Kumusta readers,

Today I am posting my multiplication and division slide. This slide contains different multiplication and division equations. It also contains story problems, to solve the story problems we had to use our maths book and answer and questions. There was also multiplication problems using the grid method. Throughout the slide there will be multiplication games where we have to score as much as we can in one minute.

Here is my multiplication and division slide.

What is 9 x 3? Answer using the comment box below.
Thank you for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed and have an awesome day!!!        :D

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Weekly Words (Remarkable)

 Konichiwa readers,

Today I am posting the word of the week. This term our teacher does not give us a word, we choose our own word from a list. To complete the word of the week we had to choose a word, go back to our weekly words slide. We use online dictionaries to find the definition, an example online then create a sentence while using the word you picked.

The word that I chose was remarkable. Remarkable is when something is outstanding and incredible. Here is a sentence about remarkable: How did he do that dangerous and remarkable stunt!

Here is my work.

Have you ever seen anything so remarkable that it looked so fake? If so leave a comment with your answer.
Thank you for reading my blog post, I hope you enjoyed and have an awesome day!!!!              :D

Monday 9 November 2020

Social Science

 Kumusta readers,

Today I am posting my Social Science slide. This slide is like the word of the week, we have to use our understanding of what the word means we had to write it down. After that we had to add 5 pictures that resembles what the word means. 

 This term we are learning about social science. Social Sciences talks about how societies work and how people participate in our nation and around the world.History is a part of Social Sciences because it talks about history, history is what happens in the past.

Here is my slide.

Can you explain what societies mean in your own words?
Thank you for reading my word of the week, I hope you enjoyed and have an awesome day!!!!       :D

Friday 6 November 2020

Easttle Term 4

 Kumusta readers,

Today I am posting our easttle writing that we did on Tuesday. Easstle is a three paragraph writing. The writing has to be in present tense, we had to look at a picture and write about it. Our picture was a picture of a life guard in a public pool. We had to include all the Language features we learnt last term. We also had to make it descriptive and correct the spelling and grammar.

Here is my easstle writing with the picture we had to write about.

I can see the splashing water, I can hear the sound of people screaming while going down the slippery and joyful slide. There are people playing with a ball. Parents supervising their child, and some parents taking a swim with their child. There are people chatting with their friends and family. I look out for people who need help, people who are getting hurt and people who are running on the sides of the pool. People are playing and having fun, I can hear laughter. A guy dives off the diving board, “SPLASH” the water goes all over me. 

“Hey please walk, no running you might slip!” I warn a kid.

A guy slid down the slippery slide and landed into the refreshing water. There are 2 people playing breath holding games in the water, I did not really care because they look like they are having fun.

“Hey Mum look at me go on this diving board!” A kid yelled. “Mum, take a picture! Mum you're not looking. Ok 1, 2, 3 Go!”

“Ha I always see those types of kids when I am on duty.” I told myself. A floatie slowly swam away from the owner. I grab the floatie and give it back to the owner.

“Thank you young sir.” Said the man. 

I can smell food behind me. People behind me are eating, a kid blows a candle, they sing happy birthday. I go back to my seat and keep a lookout. A kid goes down the fast slide on his stomach, he lands on the water “SMACK” his face and stomach hits the water with force. He came out of the water and his face and stomach is a strawberry. It is redder than the color red. I feel kind of bad, that's because he came crying out with his face red. I go back on duty, and keep on a lookout for any dangerous activity that people are doing. I hear someone running behind me..

“Kid I already told you not to run, now you have slipped.”

What was your favourite part of the story?
Thank you for reading my blog post, I hope you enjoyed and have an awesome day!!!!!!! :D

What is X?

 Kumusta readers,

This term for maths we are learning how to solve an equation by balancing both side. The question that we have is 3+3=2x. The equals sign means both sides are the same. So we had to figure out what 3+3 was and find 3 x something = 6 and I got 3 x 2 = 6. At first I was struggling but then when I read the question a couple of times then after I got it.

Here is a video of me explaining what the answer is.

Is there other multiplication problems that equal to 6?
Thank you for reading my blog post, I hope you enjoyed and have an awesome day!!!!          :D


 Kia ora readers, 

Today I am posting  my finished pattern slide that our teacher set us. We started doing the slides 2 weeks ago. we had to do this slide so we can notice how the pattern grows and what the rule was. We also had to explain how it grows in a graph.

Most of the patterns was finding out how much matchsticks are in the pattern. It also got harder as I got deeper into the slide. We had to make a copy of a slide then fill out the answers. The challenging part was to find out what the rule was then explain what the rules we.

Here is my slide.

How much matchsticks would be in 10 triangles?
Thank you for reading my blog post, I hope you enjoyed and have an awesome day!!!!!           :D